Diego Fiore
Senior Web Developer, Engineer, Designer
Resume Of Diego Fiore
React Redux 2016 - now
State container for JS apps using React
Build applications that behave consistently, and able to run in different environments (actually using .Net). My starting boilerplate is based on React, Redux, Webpack and ES6 + JSX via Babel.
Angular JS 2013 - 2016
JS Front-End Applications
Build complete front-end application using routing and two-way data binding features.
Ionic Framework 2014 - now
Mobile development
Build full compatible native mobile applications using javascript, html and css. Use Apache Cordova to package the code generated as a native app that can run in Android, iOS, and other platforms.
.NET Framework 2010 - now
C# Back-End Applications
Build complex API using C# and Entity Framework. Build .Net MVC web applications to support Front End frameworks as AngularJS, React and KnockoutJS.
HTML & CSS 2008 - now
Web Design
Create full responsive UI using HTML5. Create maintainable and extensible codes in CSS, using pre-processor (Less & Sass) and post-processor.
GIT 2012 - now
Version Control System
Use of GIT as a version control system for tracking changes. Experience using BitBucket and Github.
Scrum 2012 - now
Agile Methodologies
Work in an a full agile environment, with continuous integration and TDD. Experience with tools for issue tracking (JIRA).
Other 2008 - now
Frameworks, languages and tools
Aurelia + Typescript, KnockoutJS, Karma + Jasmine, Gulp and NodeJS
Master of Science in Information Technology
University of Naples - Federico II (2011)
Academic research included Software Engineering for Web Technologies, Human Computer Interaction (HCI). Final dissertation on Formal Concept Analysis for WebML model.
Degree in Information Technology
University of Naples - Federico II (2006)
Academic research included Software Engineering for Web Technologies, Human Computer Interaction (HCI). Final dissertation on 3d Model for Buildings.
Director/Consultant09-2017 to now
Neapolis Web Digital Ltd - London
Design and implementation of a greenfield Identity Management Solution for a large news and media organisation. Responsible for code quality, test strategy and coverage, security and performance. Implementation of UI component library to support UX team.
- Front End Languages and Frameworks: React, Redux, Redux Form, Node, OIDC Authentication, Storybook, Material UI, Styled components
- Tools: VS Code, GIT, AWS, Jira
- Methodologies: SCRUM, pair programming -
Founder & CTO 05-2008 to now
Create an online portal for Napoli's football fans. Build a full responsive website using latest technologies as AngularJS and React Redux. Design database infrastructure, data mining and backend admin panel. Design e develop an app for Android, IOS and Windows Phone using Ionic-Cordova framework.
- Front End Languages and Frameworks: React Redux, Angular, Ionic-Cordova, NextJs Node, Less CSS, C#, .net core, SQL Server.
- Tools: VS Code, GIT, Bitbucket -
Senior Web Developer 02-2016 to 09-2017
Cheapflights/Momondo - London
Maintenance and development of web solutions for an independent travel company that compares Flights, Hotels and other different deals. Participating as Senior Web Developer to different projects such as the revamp of “Cheapflights.com” and new Momondo's Meta websites. Developing new features for Cheapflight’s Meta websites. All performing SCRUM sessions in an Agile environment.
- Front End Languages and Frameworks: React Redux, Aurelia, KnockoutJS, Gulp, Node, Sass CSS, C#/.net Framework 4.5, SQL Server 2015.
- Tools: Visual Studio 2015, VS Code, Atom, GIT, AWS, Bitbucket
- Methodologies: SCRUM, pair programming -
Senior Web Engineer & Developer 07-2012 to 02-2016
Simplify Digital - London
Managing and development of web solutions for an independent Broadband, TV and Phone switching service company. Participated as Senior Web Engineer & Software Architect to different projects such as “Compare the Market”, “Dixons” and “Barclays” performed using SCRUM sessions in Agile environment.
- Front End Languages and Frameworks: AngularJS, KnockoutJS, RequireJS, Jasmine + Karma, Gulp, JQuery, Node, Bootstrap, Less CSS, C#/.net Framework 4.5, SSIS, SQL Server 2012, Orchard CMS.
- Tools: Webstorm, Visual Studio 2013, GIT, Azure
- Methodologies: SCRUM, pair programming, BDD with Jasmine -
Software Consultant 10-2011 to 07-2012
Systonomy LTD - London
Collaboration with UK based Software Quality Consultancy practice for the design of solutions to support and model the software engineering process. Particularly, developed automated tools for Lean Six Sigma and other quality methodologies (AHP, Quality Function Deployment, Defects scorecard modeling), client demos, prototypes and Web Applications. Participated to the iFEST research project, a large collaborative project on the Design of Integrated Tool chains for Embedded Systems Development funded under the ARTEMIS scheme. Worked on UI side and also on server side. Developed report widgets (charts, tables and others) and other UI components/controls and the server side used for those components.
- Technologies and architecture models used: Model-View-Controller, C#/.net Framework 4.0 3.5 2.0, HTML 5, CSS 3, JavaScript, JQuery, SQL Server 2008, DevExpress Controls & Telerik Controls, Photoshop CS6
Systems & Software Developer 01-2007 to 10-2011
ACSH srl - Naples
Designed and developed Information Systems and Technology Solutions supporting the operations of Small and Medium (SME) Organizations. Delivered bespoke software applications to support Logistics, Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP), Customer Relationship Management (CRM) and accounting. Maintained a good relationship with the client, get specification, plan the development cycle, design the projects architecture and supervise the team. The server side was done in our farm. Worked on UI side and also on server side. Developed report widgets (charts, tables and others) and other UI components/controls and the server side used for those components.
- Technologies and architecture models used: Model-View-Controller, C#/.net Framework 4.0 3.5 2.0, Silverlight, WPF, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, SQL Server 2008, SQL Server 2005, PHP, Firebird DB, Delphi.
- Tools: Visual Studio 2010, Visual Studio 2008, DevExpress Controls, Telerik Controls, Infragistic Control Photoshop CS6, Gimp 2.0, SQL Management Studio
- Methodologies: SCRUM, pair programming, continuos integration, onsite customer, coding standard.
In progress ...
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311B, Jalalabad, Sylhet
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